17 Apr 2009

What is the Affiliate Marketing

For you who are used to surf in the virtual world, listen and find the word or term Affiliate Marketing may not have been more new things, especially when you are one of the online business, so you can is part of the Affiliate Marketing itself. But for those acquainted with the new virtual world, hear or see the word Affiliate Marketing is probably the new, and here I will introduce the term Affiliate Marketing is to you.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is? One? how many or how to earn through internet.
Why Affiliate Marketing?

Many people who do not have your own products or services for sale on the internet, even many people who also do not want to fuss to make products or services that will be sold on the internet, and affiliate marketing is the solution.

How can that be part of Affiliate Marketing?

A person can earn through affiliate marketing in a way to register online to become a sales person's / companies that have affiliate / referrer program (affiliate for the merchant is a person / company), and become official after the sales, then he can get a charge or commission of the ad posted on the company website or blog via own affiliate link in the ad.

A person can earn through affiliate marketing without having to have your own products or services sold. Do is to register to become a sales company that have affiliate / referrer programs, and become official after the sales, then he can obtain payment or commission from the ads posted on the company website or blog with own affiliate link in the ad.

Payment system is varied. There are known by the term:

PPC (Pay-Per-Click):

It Will obtain a sales charge or commission from each click on the ads that are placed on the website or blog page, if any visitor clicks on ads that come property sales, although it is not going to purchase. PPC provider companies are: Google, Adbrite, Bidvertising, Bux.to, adf.ly , ReadBud, etc..

PPL (Pay-Per-Lead):

It Will obtain a sales charge or commission from each prospective buyer or prospects (leads) with a specific qualification to take the site through the affiliate link property sales, although it is not going to purchase. PPL is the company are: Adbivrance, .

PPS (Pay-Per-Sale):

It Will obtain a sales charge or commission when a visitor to the website or blog ads to buy products from the website or blog via own affiliate link in the ad. Company PPS providers are: Amazon, Darul-Ishaat

PPP (Pay-Per-Play):

It Will obtain a sales charge or commission from each audio ad played / play a few seconds when someone starts a website or blog page. PPL is the company are: www.SellingPPP.com.

and There is one more term such as Recurring Affiliate Program What is the recurring affiliate program :

Sales will obtain commission on a continual basis in the period of regular (usually monthly) as long as there is a subscription service or product and make a payment to the company's affiliate in the regular period, and customers coming through the property sales page links.). The company's recurring affiliate program are: Asian Brain Internet Marketing Center

At this first, hopefully for you not recognize that what is affiliate marketing, start now known

rewrite from Rumah cahaya. com


Sudah lama saya memiliki angan -angan ingin hidup kaya serba ada duit banyak mau apa-apa tinggal beli seperti juragan minyak dari negeri arab saudi Mister Adnan kashogi, dia adalah seorang juragan minyak yang sangat kaya bahkan konon kalau makan siang di luar kota , makan malam di singapur, memiliki luas tanah 190o0 m/segi yang sebagian ditanami hutan sebagian lagi ditanami rumput yang hijau membentang. Wah saya berfikir andaykan saya seperti dia.

Tetapi kembali lagi kepada diri kita yang sebenarnya, untuk apa kita di ciptakan oleh allah, apakah untuk kaya atau miskin, bukan itu semua hanya bunga kehidupan dari keputusan kita, tetapi kita diciptakan oleh allah adalah untuk beribadah kepadanya,



Everyone needs money to meet the needs of his life, that money is not everything but everything needs money, should take any money out, that all is not free but must pay. However people do need to find a little money and a lot of good, both dollar and rupiah. In meeting the needs of living people have various ways to find money, either way up or way is not correct, In the two options we have to avoid this is not correct because the addition is prohibited by religion that will result in direct impact to us of which we will out the fear, fear of the police arrested. Search using the money not the correct way will not be quiet even if his life can be for example a lot of his money, for example members of the House of Representatives of corruption, they are glamorous with a lot of money, beautiful women, but the heart is depressed and his life is not comfortable, always ask the guard strict guard with him, but now alhamdulillah little by little grafter is already starting destroyed by KPK,
Now we choose the suggested search with the correct money, with work, it is important that any work can find some money, but less secure, although it requires patience. Use capabilities or advantages that we have been given by God to us because every man is given to the advantages of living in this world to find legal livelihood and blessing.
The more advanced age, we must prepare all the skills we use to find money that has been obtained at school or college courses or private,
Now, money is not easy to search, finding money nedd effort and stamina

A lot of companies that offer business and provide a lesson on how to earn money ont the internet which offers with an affiliate program, with free courses or paying. We can select them but keep in mind to make money with that program is not easy but still requires tenacity and hard work when you want to be the maximum result. But better to try than the money can not search at all.

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